Tuesday, May 4, 2010

David Brancaleone


Among the issues discussed was the role of the artist in work which is community or group based, artist and audience collaborations, where the emphasis is on the shared experience of participation as opposed to the more traditional system of artist and product, for consumption by the viewer. These art events or exchanges seek to open up art practice to a wider audience while at the same time highlight or incorporate issues which affect a larger group, not just that of the individual. One of the many points raised at the talk was the relevance of these projects and also the accessibility of the dialogues which surround them. Can socially engaged art really affect change and how can equality between artist and community be assured, avoiding a relationship in which one side is exploited. Referencing Claire Bishop, in highlighting the usually well placed intentions of most artists who engage in social art, there was criticism of the diluting effect much of social art can have on its own its own relevance. Another observation made was the frequent collaborations between artists, whose position in society is often seen as elitist and therefore privileged, and communities from disadvantaged areas. This of course problematic as it can prevent equality and raise questions of authorship. David provided examples of artists who had engaged successfully in collaboration.
The polarity between artists who make and artists who facilitate was also mentioned, what constitutes an art work. Is the solitary process of individual practice redundant and is it an social engaged art mutually exclusive? Of course, as pointed out by David at the talk, these questions are subject to many interpretations. Dialogue, being the crucial factor for the critical analysis of art practice.
The talk was a interesting exchange of ideas and opinions on many of the issues and work shown by David whose casual and inclusive approach to the talk promoted and encouraged audience questions and participation. Again we at FaberStudios would like to thank him and all those who attended. 
Contemporary Art and The Social
Selected/Suggested Reading

'Participation (Documents of Contemporary Art)' 
Claire Bishop

'Conversation Pieces: Community & Communication In Modern Art'Grant . H Kester

'Relational Aesthetics'Nicolas Bourriaud

'The Everyday (Documents of Contemporary Art)'Stephen Johnstone

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